Monday, April 12, 2010

Patent Bar Incoming? To be continued...

In a new take on future career developments, I am looking into taking the U.S. Patent Registration Exam (USPRE). At a low $150.00, the 3 hour computer based exam from United States Patent and Trademark Office (Prometrics website) gives you the right to act as a Patent Agent, to provide counsel and submit patents.

The exam is "open book" and based on the Manual of Patent Examining Procedure (MPEP).

If you are interested in checking out what it looks like, past exams can be found here and here is the practice exam book that I am planning on picking up to study for it.

I have only slightly toyed around with the idea of going into patent law before this, and I doubt that it will change my longterm career direction. I am pretty set on developing new uses for microorganisms and I expect that it will help me out along the way.

1 comment:

  1. I was thinking about patent law! its so slow to catch up with biotech though. Bio anything really.
